Wednesday, October 2, 2024

/adv/ post I made

 I decided to quote it because I thought something I wrote on it was funny. 

tend to do things just because I feel like it. I'm a NEET and I want to do more useful things. I also have a mental illness. I want to be a contributing member of society. So anyways I do things like installing Arch Linux just for the hell of it because I want to learn about Linux. Then I realized there's even more to learn because Arch is easy. So I'm thinking of installing LFS. I attempted it once then I got stuck because I guess I forgot a step. Though then I wonder what's the point other than just doing it? Learn about Linux, maybe, but will that get me a job one of these days? I am 40 years old so sometimes I think it's too late for me to ever get work unless I study something. The kind of things I want to learn I might study Computer Science, but at my age is that really realistic? My uncle who is a literal boomer thinks you can start any time. He sees people that are in their 50s going to school(He's a professor) I imagine there's a lot of math in Computer Science so before I can even think of doing that Id have to study math. It would be a little bit involved, probably too much for me. My uncle is a bit of an idealist. I suppose if I learned something in school that I actually have some of the fundamental skills that would make more sense. Also a lot of the time I think post secondary education is a meme of some kind that people go into debt for for very little reason nowadays. I figure I have a couple a spots filled on my diversity bingo card that I could get in easier. That's having a disability so maybe it wouldnt so bad. Not sure where I'm going with this post so I just sperged hard writing this but just wrote a bunch of stuff with no clear direction of what /adv/ other than hur dur how I figure out what to do?